welcome to the ghosts page with me dr ben

the paranormal page with faces storys and pictures and some videos and finaly ghost film recomendations

did you know that ....


.Two ghosts have been seen at marsham tower,county durham which was built before 1314 one was of a w

omen and the other of a pig


at around 10 pm one night in may 1945 a lancaster bomber with a canadian crew crash in the peak district and burst in to flames killing all the crew over fifty years later in 1997 two people set out to see hale bopp comet but ended up seeing something very differnt a plane flying towards them silent a explosion was heard a few miles away theyb could see smoke and orange flames a full scale rescuse operation was set but nothing was ever found.


it is belived that no ghost can cross a flowing stream


films with ghosts in them or about ghosts


casper the friendly ghost


blackbeards ghost


parnormal activity

parnormal activity 2

paranormal activity 3


nostradammus the famous french seer who died in june 1566 wrote a book of his predictions called centuries he predicted the rise of nepolion the arival of the german dictator exept he called him hister rather than hitler.


there are said to be more ghosts per square mile in britain than ant other country (we live in britain =() )